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I’m a third year student at University of Oregon - majoring in Advertising and minoring in Computer Information Technology & Business.

I’m constantly looking for new ways to develop my skill set. I value my digital prowess, brand creativity, business acumen and I have a huge desire to learn and become a valuable asset in every situation.



Here’s a little about me…

First off, I’m a ‘tri-citizen’, and having moved from country to country I find that I bring an international perspective into everything that I set out to do. Each month I try to learn something new, whether that’s anything ranging from coding and 3D printing to cooking and sewing. Lately, I’ve been carving a path towards becoming an independent photojournalist in my off-time. You can view my work here.

I’m a graduate from the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication with a Bachelor of Arts in advertising and a minor in business administration. I have interests in advertising strategy, production, and project management.

In an endless effort to develop my personal skill set, I’m constantly looking for new opportunities. My most recent experience was as a Producer for Caspian Studios, a Podcast-as-a-Service company based out of San Francisco. Prior, I was a Social Media Strategy Intern at The Fox Magazine in Los Angeles and a Marketing Intern at Silicon Microgravity, a University of Cambridge startup company. I value my digital prowess, brand creativity, business acumen, and I have a huge desire to learn and become a valuable asset in every and any situation.

Please feel free to contact me with any inquires: